Flicker of Hope

Sitting with my daughter for story time this evening, she pulled out a book that we hadn't read in a long time, entitled A flicker of hope. As my daughter read aloud the story of a candle who's flame was slowly fading, caught underneath a dark cloud of doubts and uncertainties, I couldn't help but draw direct parallels to what so many of us are feeling right now as we navigate this time. Under a dark cloud that feels it might snuff out our life light altogether...

In this story, another candle comes along that is burning brightly and notices the little candle that is struggling and she offers to share a boost of hope, and tells her that it would be tragic if her light went out altogether because she is carries a unique light that the world would miss out on. The brighter candle tells her that it is always good to ask for help, and to keep asking until you get the help that you need.

As the story continues the little candle learns that the candle who shared her flame with her also had her own struggles and had other candles that helped give her boosts of hope and light when she needed it most as well. By the end of the story I was teary eyed thinking about how applicable this story was in this exact moment, and how i wished that everyone could read this powerful story right now, in the middle of this mess of a season we are navigating as a nation.

Tonight as I pause for a brief moment of post story time reflection, I felt I needed to share this in hopes that it could be a little flicker of hope. We're all in this together. We're all struggling. And at any given moment, our flames could grow weaker and the threat could come to block our light altogether, and this would truly be a tragedy if that were the outcome of this trying time. There is heartache and pain and uncertainty all around us, and we can't ignore the vulnerable place that leaves us all in. It is unavoidable. We are facing our own lack of control, having to face the unknown without a lot of resources and it is downright terrifying at times. And let's be honest, our own fragility is being displayed in ways we would rather not have exposed. But we are not alone. There are other lights all around us. Some brighter, some dimmer, some slowly fading... and we have an opportunity right now to share ourselves, to offer a flicker of hope, in an otherwise increasingly dark world.

How bright is your candle burning at the moment? Is it bright? Do you see anyone around you who could use a boost? Is it dim? Is it slowly fading? Do you need to reach out and ask for a boost? This is your permission to be candid. If you have some extra to share, then share it. If you're running low and need a friend, this is the time to ask.

The reality is that we all need help at times, and we all have a little extra to share at times, so why not let this moment be one where you dig deep and reach out!

Chelsea Bliss Ward